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The Heart and Soul of a Single Girl is a devotional that I have had on my heart for years. It is a desire that I believe God has given me to create and share with other single Christian girls! I wish in my single years that I would have had someone share these words with me.

Through this devotional, I have written letters to you sharing my heart, some of my personal journal entires, words of encouragement, challenges, and a whole lot of wisdom and truth from the Word of God.

The Heart and Soul...


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The Heart and Soul eBook


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Melissa Leann

Melissa Leann is a young woman who loves Jesus, fluffy cows, sparkles, coffee, mountains, adventures, and quiet evenings at home. Melissa has a heart for reaching the next generation for Christ and seeing their relationships with Jesus and each other flourish. She and her 5-year-old pup named Gus Gus (after the mouse in Cinderella) have spent many hours doing life together. At heart, she is made to be in the country. Backroads are where you can often find her spending time with Jesus.

She has been the Next Gen Pastor for two years at a small church in the town she grew up in. Along with the church ministry, Melissa has an online influence as well through Her Hallelujah (more details available at the end of the book). Her Hallelujah was launched in the fall of 2013 after she recognized a need for younger girls to receive encouragement and challenges to grow in their faith from an older mentor who has walked through similar experiences. Melissa writes letters from her big sister heart to young girls. She has a heart for Jesus and everyone she meets!

Melissa Leann


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